Rules and Regulations

Class Hours

  • The classes begin at 9.30 A.M. and end at 4.00 P.M.
  • The first bell for the class is rung five minutes before the commencement of the forenoon session and second bell at the commencement of the class. A bell is run at the end of each period.
  • At the first bell before each session the students shall go to their respective classes and take their seats so as to be present when the teacher enters. No student shall leave the classroom during the lecture without the permission of the teacher.

Leave of Absence

  • The leave application of the students must be countersigned by the parent/guardian and forwarded by Prof-in-charge and should be preserved by the student for future reference.
  • A student who applies for leave on medical ground should attach a medical certificate along with the prescription, to his/her application from a Registered Medical Practitioner. Such an application must reach the concerned authority as mentioned above within five days of student's return to the class. The concerned Coordinator/ Prof.-in-charge/ Principal reserve the right to sanction or deny the leave.
  • A students should attend classes regularly and should have more than 75% attendance.
  • Continuous absence without leave for more than a month will render a student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls of the college.


  • Admission can be taken after selection in entrance test or interview. Admission form can be submitted online only.
  • At the time of admission each student must pay the full fees at the beginning of the academic session itself. No partial payment is allowed, unless otherwise directed.
  • Admission into B.Ed courses will be done on the basis of Entrance Test and their performance in 10th/12th/UG/PG exam as well as college entrance test.


The College Leaving Certificate (CLC) will be granted under the following conditions:-

  1. A clearance slip of all the dues should be produced.
  2. CLC request slip should be signed by the Registrar of the college.
  3. Duly signed request slip must be produced in the TC. office and at least 48 hours time should be given before claiming the CLC.

Students admitted afresh should note that original certificates (TC Conduct etc.) submitted at the time of admission will never be returned.

The official conduct certificate is a document, which a student has to earn by his/her good conduct and behaviour during his/her stay in the college and will be issued by the Principal only. It will not be issued as a matter to any course and the Principal may refuse the conduct certificate to any student whose conduct, in his opinion, has not been satisfactory.

Campus Discpline

  • Students attending classes, meetings or other gatherings within the college campus are expected to be presentably dressed in accordance with the approved etiquette.
  • When a student meets a member of the staff for the first time in the day, he/she must greet him/her appropriately.
  • Students are forbidden to smoke in the college premises or near the gate, to write or make any mark on the walls or desks, throw paper or ink about the floors of the classroom or corridors.
  • Students are not allowed to loiter or stand about the verandahs or corridors of the college during class hours.
  • Students are forbidden to gather near the gate of the college or in the entrance premises between the gate and the hall.
  • Chewing pan or eating pan masala and smoking is strictly forbidden in the college campus. Such students may be fined if they are caught.
  • The College reserves the right to dismiss at any time a student for serious indiscipline.
  • Students are not allowed to keep their cell-phones and walkman on when the classes are going on. Defaulter's set will be confiscated if they are caught.

Rules on Decency

St. Xavier's College, Ranchi promotes dignity and respect to every human person. Dignity and respect comes when one decently presents himself/herself through the dress he/she wears as well as one presents himself/herself through behaviour and speech. In this regard attention of the students to the following points is drawn:

  1. Students are strongly recommended not to wear Trousers with more than four pockets and tight T-shirt, round collor T-shirt.
  2. Girl students are recommended to tie their hair properly and not to come with flowing hair.
  3. Girl students are requested not to wear sleeveless dress, short tops & tight jeans and capries.

Students are directed:

  1. Not to use sunglasses and caps whey they are in classes.
  2. To use decent languages and to have concern for others.
  3. Not to use cell phone in the classrooms and corridors. Cell phone can be confiscated by any professor/authorities if misuse is detected.
  4. Not to use recorded music from mobile while sitting on stage, shade and Quadrangle or anywhere in the college premises.
  5. Not to smoke inside the college campus.


  1. The bicycles and two wheelers are to be parked in the alloted parking place only.
  2. Students are requested to lock properly their vehicles and the college does not take any responsibility if the vehicle is stolen. Students are not allowed to bring cars, vans, jeeps and other four wheelers in the college campus. The parking rules of the college have to be followed strictly. There is a requisite fee to be paid for parking.

Identity Card

  1. The Vice-Principal of the college for the day section will issue the identity card after being dully filled-in by the candidate.
  2. Every student shall carry the Identity Card with him/her daily to the college. Any staff members as well as other lawful authorities of the college have the right to ask to prodce it any time.
  3. The Identity Card should be shown to the authorities concerned before entering the Reading room or the Laboratories.


In 2009, in the wake of Aman Kachroo's death, University Grants Commission (UGC) passed UGC REGULATION ON CURBING THE MENACE OF RAGGING IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, 2009.[16] These regulation mandate every college responsibilities to curb the menace of ragging, including strict pre-emptive measures, like lodging freshers in a separate hostel, surprise raids especially at nights by the anti-ragging squad and submission of affidavits by all senior students and their parents taking oath not to indulge in ragging.

Ragging is strictly prohibited and is a punishable offense (crime) by law.